Vaishnava Jana is a bhajan (spiritual song/hymn) was part of everyday prayers of Mahatma Gandhi, written in the 15th century by the poet Narsi Mehta in the Gujarati language. The poem speaks about the life, ideals and mentality of a Vaishnava jana (a follower of Vaishnavism, a member of one of the main branches of modern Hinduism, devoted to the worship of the god Vishnu as the supreme being.)
Gujrati Version
Vaishnav jan to tene kahiye je PeeD paraayi jaaNe re
Par-dukhkhe upkaar kare toye Man abhimaan na aaNe re
SakaL lok maan sahune vande Nindaa na kare keni re
Vaach kaachh man nishchaL raakhe Dhan-dhan janani teni re
Sam-drishti ne trishna tyaagi Par-stree jene maat re
Jivha thaki asatya na bole Par-dhan nav jhaalee haath re
Moh-maaya vyaape nahi jene DriDh vairaagya jena man maan re
Ram naam shoon taaLi laagi SakaL tirath tena tan maan re
VaN-lobhi ne kapaT-rahit chhe Kaam-krodh nivaarya re
BhaNe Narsaiyyo tenun darshan karta KuL ekoter taarya re
English Translation
One who is a Vaishnav (Devotee of Vishnu) Knows the pain of others Does good to others without letting pride enter his mind. A Vaishnav, Tolerates and praises the the entire world. Does not speak ill of others Keeps his promises, actions and thoughts pure your mother is blessed indeed. A Vaishnav sees everything equally, rejects greed and avarice respects women as he respects his own mother though his tongue may tire he will utter no untruth Never touches the property of others. A Vaishnav does not succumb to worldly attachments he has renounced lust of all types and anger The poet Narsi will like to see such a person by whose virtue, the entire family gets salvation.
Hindi version
वैष्णव जन तो तेने कहिये अत्यन्त लोकप्रिय भजन है जिसकी रचना १५वीं शताब्दी के सन्त नरसी मेहता ने की थी। यह गुजराती भाषा में है। महात्मा गांधी के नित्य की प्रार्थना में यह भजन भी सम्मिलित था। इस भजन में वैष्णव जनों के लिए उत्तम आदर्श और वृत्ति क्या हो, इसका वर्णन है।
वैष्णव जन तो तेने कहिये जे पीड पराई जाणे रे,
पर दु:खे उपकार करे तोये मन अभिमान न आणे रे ॥
सकल लोकमां सहुने वंदे निंदा न करे केनी रे,
वाच काछ मन निश्चल राखे धन धन जननी तेनी रे ॥
समदृष्टि ने तृष्णा त्यागी, परस्त्री जेने मात रे,
जिह्वा थकी असत्य न बोले, परधन नव झाले हाथ रे ॥
मोह माया व्यापे नहि जेने, दृढ़ वैराग्य जेना मनमां रे,
रामनाम शुं ताली रे लागी, सकल तीरथ तेना तनमां रे ॥
वणलोभी ने कपटरहित छे, काम क्रोध निवार्या रे,
भणे नरसैयॊ तेनु दरसन करतां, कुल एकोतेर तार्या रे ॥